(24-25.11.2021) Exchange Programs Foreign Language Speaking Exam Student List and Exam Time
Dear Students,
Exchange Programs Foreign Language Speaking Exam dates are as below:

Click here for exam specifications…

***Candidates who are successful in the first stage (online multiple choice test) will be able to take the speaking exam.

Dates of Exams
Speaking Exam : 24-25 November 2021 (Wednesday-Thursday)

Exam Time
Exam time for each student is specified in the file.

Duration of Exam
10 minutes

Speaking exam will be done in Microsoft Teams classrooms. You need to have a computer/laptop, tablet or a mobile phone all with internet access. You also need a camera /webcam feature in addition to the features above. The exam sessions will be recorded/video recorded by the examiners for assessment purposes.

All the students will have been added to the groups on Microsoft Teams. You should log in the system and join the meeting at the specified time. You do not need to have any code for the Microsoft Teams group.

*You need to show your ID Card / passport with a photo before you start the exam. 

*Students need to follow the announcements about the exam on the website https://sfl.karabuk.edu.tr/

Click for Exchange Programs Foreign Language Speaking Exam Student List...

For Log In:

Username: Student Id@ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr

Password: First Five Digit Numbers of Tr Identification Number + Kbu*


For example - Username: 20212345678@ogrenci.karabuk.edu.tr 

For example - Password: 12345Kbu*

You can also visit Kbuzem website for more information about Microsoft Teams.

Click for Kbuzem Website...